William J. Wilson - NY-BOOT4, NY-SHOE5
African Americans--History, African Americans--History--To 1863, Artisans, Shoemakers
Colored American #3
Colored American #46
Colored American #57
January 21, 1837
November 18, 1837
February 10, 1838
Bootmaker, Shoemaker
No. 67 Lispenard Street
Home Location
Manhattan, New York
1. Owned and Operated a shop in Manhattan, New York
Item Type
WM. J. WILSON, Boot and Shoemaker, No. 67 Lispenard St., one door from the c. Broadway. Ladies and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes of every description, constantly on hand.
All orders gratefully received, and execute with neatness an despatch. j. 14
Public Meeting.
YOUNG MEN AWAKE! A public meeting of the Colored Young men, and others favorable to and interested in the present effort of the Young men, to call the attention of the Legislature by petition, to the disfranchised condition of more than 40,000 inhabitants of the state, will be held on Monday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at the Philomathean Hall, Duane Street. Some intereting correpondence, between the Committee and a member of the Legislature, will be read. Several addresses may be expected.
All petitions will then be handed in, and an opportunity offered for any to sign, who have not heretofore.
Every Colored Young man, anxious to exert some influence in the body politic, in the choice an election of our rulers, is earnestly requested to attend.
WM. J. WILSON, Chairman,
C. L. Reason, Secretary. Com.
Married in 1837, see below:
On the 9th instant, by Rev. J. Golden, Mr. H. C. Turner, to Miss Rachel Sanders, of Carlisle.
On Monday Oct. 30th. by Rev. Dr. Weeks, at Newark, Mr. Horace Stevenson of Williamstown, Mass. to Miss Violetta S. Swain of Trenton, N.J.
On Monday, 2nd inst., by the reverend P. Williams, Mr. Wm. J. Wilson to Miss Mary Anne Garret Marshall, both of this city.