Charlotte - SEA2


Charlotte - SEA2
African Americans--History, African Americans--History--To 1863, African American women--History, Women artisans
South Carolina Gazette
July 5, 1771
Peter Porcher
From the Subscriber's Plantation in St .STEPHEN'S Parish, in the Night of WEDNESDAY, the Second Instant, the following NEGROES, Viz
A Negro Man, named SAUL, or SOLOMON, but commonly called Saul; and a Wench, named CHARLOTTE, with a Male Child at her Breast, about eight Months old. —Saul is a tall, likely black Fellow, with a large Beard, speaks very proper English; is sensible; about Twenty-five or Thirty Years of Age, and a Cooper by Trade. —Charlotte, his Wife, is a likely sensible Wench, not above Nineteen or Twenty Years of Age, of a yellowish Complexion, with a Sear on her Forehead; has always been brought up to the House, and is an extraordinary Seamstress. They were both lately cloathed with Osnabrugs, and bought, some Time last Winter, by Mr. John Edwards, at Mr. Levy's up the Path, at the Sale of the late Captain North's Estate, and purchased from Mr. Edwards by the Subscriber. They took with them, a small mouse-coloured HORSE, branded with Capt. North's brand, with Saddle, Bridle, and all the Effects they had, it is supposed, with an Intent never to return to their Owner. They were pursued the next Morning, and tracked several Miles, making towards the Southward; where it is imagined they are gone; and, as they have Friends and Relations about Ponpon, it is likely they will be harboured there.
Whoever will apprehend the said Run Aways, and deliver them, or either of them, to the Warden of the Work-House or to the Subscriber, in Charles Town, shall receive for SAUL TEN POUNDS, and for the Wench and Child TEN POUNDS, or TWENTY POUNDS for the Three, and all reasonable Charges.
Also ran away from the Subscriber's Plantation, on the 7th Day of June last, a Negro-Fellow, named FORTUNE, a likely, slim, active black Fellow, about thirty-five Years of Age, formerly the Property of Mr. Adam Stewart, of St. Stephen's Parish; deceased; notoriously known for his Villainy in may Parts of the Province, and remarkable for Stuttering and Stammering in his Speech. as he can scarce utter a Word properly; his common Apparel was, a short blue Jacket, white Negro Cloth Robbin, and Osnabrugs Breeches. Whoever will apprehend this Run - Away, and delivers him as aforesaid, shall receive a Reward of TWENTY POUNDS Currency, from
Peter Porcher's plantation
1. Formerly enslaved by Captain North
2. Formerly enslaved by John Edwards
3. Self-emancipated from Peter Porcher
St. Stephen's Parish, Berkeley County, South Carolina