William Jackson - NY-COACH44


William Jackson - NY-COACH44
African Americans--History, African Americans--History--To 1863, Artisans
Long Island farmer, and Queens County advertiser. (Jamaica [N.Y.]) 1826-1862
August 14, 1833
Coachman (Cabman)
Home Location
New York, New York
Item Type
pg. 3, possibly the same man in the same man in January 01, 1834, Page 2?
Robberies.—We learn that two robberies have been committed in this village within a few days past. The first of them on the 7th inst. from the inn of Mrs. Eldert, consisting of clothing from a boarder, to the value of about thirty dollars. (See advertisement.) The second was during the night of the 12th inst. from the chamber occupied by a gen-tleman from New York at the inn of Mr. H. Van Cott. The gentleman retired to bed about half past nine o’clock, and in the morn-ing found his window open, and his gold watch, seal and key, breast pin, pocket book and purse, blue coat and white vest, &c., to the value of nearly two hundred dollars, in-cluding some money, were gone. Justice Bradlee issued a warrant for a suspicious co-lored man, driver of a carriage of another gentleman from the city, who put up at Mr. Hunter’s, and on the examination yesterday forenoon, before Justice Bradlee, the said colored man, named William Jackson, con-fessed to the Justice that he entered the win-dow of the tavern and stole all the articles charged—and that he had also stolen four large silver spoons from the house of Mr. Brown, at Bath, Kings county. The arti-cles were all found where they were repre-sented to be, by Constable Rogers ; and restored to the owner, and Jackson was com-mitted to prison.
Item sets