Tom - CAR34


Tom - CAR34
African Americans--History, African Americans--History--To 1863, Artisans, Carpenters
South Carolina Gazette
June 27, 1768
Elias Vanderhorst
Home Location
Charleston, South Carolina
1. Self-emancipated from Elias Vanderhorst
Item Type
One Hundred Pounds Reward.
RAN AWAY last night, about 11 or 12 o’clock, Three Negro Men, One Wench, and her male child, viz.: A Negro man named TOM, born in the Havanna, speaks Spanish and French, a very likely fellow, and somewhat used to the house carpenter's trade: Had on an osnabrugs shirt and breeches green jacket, an old felt hat, and a blanket surtout coat. PETER, a short well set fellow, remarkable for large rolling eyes, having on much the same cloaths as the former, with a red surtout coat. POMPEY, a middle sized, down-looking ill-favoured fellow, has a scar on the side of his nose, his toes very crooked. Had on a ragged black jacket, and green breeches. He can write and read, and talk good English. The wench named ARABELLA, is very likely, short and slim, with a clear black skin, and a good sett of teeth, a scar on the side of one of her hands, and a deep dimple in her chin: Had on and carried with her, a blue callimanco gown, and a check'd ditto, also sundry coats and jackets of different sorts. Her child answers to the name of CASTILA, a smart looking boy, about six years old, has a scar on his forehead. As there is a small Scooner [schooner] or fishing boat missing this day, it's suspected they may have gone off in her; and as some other Negroes are missing, among whom is a French or Spanish fellow, a fisherman, it is strongly suspected that they are gone to the Southward, on their way to the Havanna. Any person or persons apprehending and securing said Negroes so that the subscriber may have them again, shall receive ONE HUNDRED POUNDS currency reward, besides all reasonable charges.


Charles-Town, South-Carolina, June 27, 1768.