Landcaster - SHICAR1


Landcaster - SHICAR1
African Americans--History, African Americans--History--To 1863, Artisans
South Carolina Gazette
June 22, 1738
Ship Carpenter
Thomas Wright
Thomas Wright's plantation
Home Location
Huger, Berkeley County, South Carolina
1. Hired out in Charleston, South Carolina
2. Self-emancipated from Thomas Wright
Item Type
Run away from Thomas Wright , two Negro Men, who have been employed in and about Charlestown, they have been frequently seen since they absented themselves in the Streets at Night, one of them is called Landcaster a Ship Carpenter, the other Bristol, lame on one of his Hips, he is used to go in Pettiaugers. Any Person taking up and bringing either of them to his Master, or Mr. Wm. Roper, shall receive upon Demand 3 l. Also run away a Negro Boy, named Bellfast, pretty tall, had on a blue Coat, the Sleeves turned up with Black, he carried away a Trunk with Womens Apparel mounted upon a young grey Horse, branded upon the Buttock BA in one. He has been seen lately near Stono Church, & since upon the Was-samsaw Road, upon the same Horse, without a Saddle, riding upon a Blanket. I shall be obliged to any Person who can give me any Account of the said Trunk, Boy or Horse, or if any Body takes him up and sends him and Horse to my Plantation near Silk-Hope, I will pay them 2 l. and 12 d. for each mile they may come. Likewise run away from my Plantation near Silk-Hope, two Negro Men, one call'd Moville branded TW on the right Shoulder, a young lusty Fellow, the other called Nero, a lusty Fellow, formerly belonging to Doct. Martin's Plantation. If any Person apprehends either of them and sends them to my Plantation, shall receive 40 lb. for each

Tho. Wright