Unnamed Carpenter #40 - CAR139
African Americans--History, African Americans--History--To 1863, Artisans, Carpenters
South Carolina and American General Gazette
January 7, 1771
Elizabeth Aikin
Home Location
Charleston, South Carolina
1. To be sold by Benjamin Waring, executor of Elizabeth Aikin and Sarah Waring
Item Type
To be sold by publick Vendue, on Tuesday the 29th day of Janauary inst at Indian Land, on the Plantation belonging to the Estate of SARAH WARING, and commonly called Mrs. Aikins' Plantation ;
ALL the flock of Cattle, about sixty Head, among them are some Working Oxen, the Stock of Hogs, Horses, Plantation Provisions and House Furniture, belonging to the Estate of ELIZABETH AIKIN. The Con-ditions with be Cash for all sums under Fifty Pounds; and all above, two Months Credit again Interest and giving security. Also ,
Will be sold at the same time and Place ,
The above PLANTATION, about sixty-five miles from Charlestown, containing up-wards of Eleven hundred Acres; great part whereof is good Rice Land; and above On hundred acres of it is cleared, ditched, and fenced, with a sufficient quantity of Provisions Land, cleared, and also under fence; it has hereon a good Pounding Machine that works with twelve pestles, a Barn, Overseers House, and other necessary Buildings ; the situation in both Pleasant and healthy, and about four or five miles from two good landings. One year’s credit will be given for half the pur- chase Money, and two years for the other half on paying interest, and giving good security.
And on Monday the 4th day of February following will be sold at Mr. Levy's on Charlestown Neck ;
A PEW in St. Michael's Church Number 47, between the Pews of Mr .George Sum-mers and Mr. John McCall; also, upward's of SIXTY VALUABLE SLAVES, belonging to the Estate of ELIZABETH AIKINS AND SARAH WARING among whom are two good Coopers, a good Carpenter, several pair of Sawyers, and very handy Boys and Girls. The Purchases may have credit till the 1st Janua-ry. To 1772 paying interest, and giving security. The property not to be altered until the conditions are complied with.
The Sales at each of above places will begin at Ten o'Clock.