Fayette - TN-BLA55
African Americans--History, African Americans--History--To 1863, Artisans, African American blacksmiths
The Tennessean
December 19, 1850
J.B. White
Home Location
Nashville, Tennessee
1. Formerly enslaved by Robert B. Castleman
2. To be sold by J.B. White
Item Type
Chancery Sale of Negroes and City Property.
BY virtue of a decree of the Chancery Court at Nashville, at the November term, 1850, in the case of Robert B. Castleman, adm’r vs. The heirs and creditors of Henry Ament, dec’d, I shall, on the first day of January, 1851 at the Court-House door, in Nashville, proceed to sell at public sale part of Lot No. 45, in the plan of Nashville fronting 50 feet on College street, near Broad street, running back to an alley 120 feet, on which is situated the Ma-chine Shop lately occupied by Henry Ament, dec’d, and also all the tools, implements, pattern en-gines , fixtures and the materials on hand, belonging to said shop. And also at the same time and place the following slaves, Fayette, a first rate blacksmith, aged 30 years of age, Albert, also a blacksmith, about 30 years of age, Bill, 24 years, Delilah, 34 years of age, a house servant, Eliza, 16 years, Mary Ann, 8 years old, Henry, 6 years; Eliza Jane 4 years; Mar-tha 5 years of age. Said slaves will be sold upon a credit of four months, and the real estate on a credit of one and two years, and the other property on a credit of six months. Notes with good security will be required, and a lien retained till the notes are paid.
J. B. WHITE, C. & M.
Dec. 10—td