Andrew Saxon - NY-CAR2, NY-COO1
African Americans--History, African Americans--History--To 1863, Artisans, Carpenters, Coopers and cooperage
The New-York Gazette #410
The New-York Gazette #415
September 10, 1733
October 1, 1733
Carpenter, Cooper
Jacobus Van Cortlandt
Home Location
New York, New York
1. Self-emancipated from Jacobus Van Cortlandt
Item Type
Ran away the 18th of August, 1733 from Jacobus Van Cortlandt of the City of New-York, a Negro Man Slave, named Andrew Saxon, a very black tall fellow, walks lamish with his left leg; the Thumb of his left Hand is somewhat stiff by a wound he had in his Hand formerly; the Shirts he had with him and on his back are marked with a Cross on the left breast; he professeth himself to be a Roman Catholick, speaks very good English, is a Carpenter and a Cooper by Trade, and has Tools for both Trades with him; he had on a Pair of Trousers, but 'tis uncertain what other Cloathes he has with him. Whoever takes up and secures the said Negro Man, and gives Notice to therof to his said Master, so that he may be had again, shall have Forty Shillings if taken within Ten Miles of the City of New-York, and Three Pounds if further, as a Reward, and all reasonable Charges paid by Jacobus Van Cortlandt.
Ran away the 18th of August, 1733 from Jacobus Van Cortlandt, New York City, a Negro man slave named Andrew Saxon, a tall lusty fellow, is very black, walks stooping and somewhat lamish with his left leg; the thumb of his left hand is somewhat stiff by a wound he had in his hand; the shirts he had with him and on his back are marked with a Cross on the left breast; he professeth himself to be a Roman Catholic, speaks very good English, is a carpenter and a cooper by trade and has a Broad-Ax with him, a Two-foot rule and a Howell-hovel. He had on a pair of linnen or ozenbrig breeches, and an old coat, but ’tis uncertain what other Cloathes he has with him. Whoever takes up and secures the said Negro Man, and gives Notice to his said Master, so that he may be had again, shall have Forty Shillings if taken within Ten Miles of the City of New-York, and Three Pounds if further, as a Reward, and all reasonable Charges paid by Jacob Van Cortlandt.