York - NY-CHIM5, NY-SAIL45
African Americans--History, African Americans--History--To 1863, Artisans
The Royal Gazette (New York) #380
The Royal Gazette (New York) #691
May 20, 1780
May 10, 1783
Chimney-sweeper, Sailor
Peter Creguell
Stone Street (Duke Street)
Home Location
Manhattan, New York
1. Formerly enslaved in Jamaica
2. Hired out to Captain Rois
3. Self-emancipated from Peter Creguell
4. Self-emancipated from Peter Creighton
Item Type
Pretends to be Free #494
Pretends to be Free #622
ONE GUINEA REWARD, RUN away from the Subscriber on Saturday last, a Negro Boy named YORK, about 3 feet 10 inches high, tawney complexion, a scar under, or nearly under his left temple like unto a burn, well made, small bones, speaks pretty good English, is a native of the Island of Jamaica, and came here about 2 years since, has lately been employed in sweeping chimneys, is a smart talkative boy, has been out in the privateer Pollux, Capt. Rois. Had on when he went away, a short brown waistcoat, a check shirt, a kind of woollen trowsers nearly white, a blue cap, his hair wool cut short, and full of soot, is about 12 years of age, and is addicted to drinking.—Whoever brings the said boy to the Printer, or to the Subscriber, living in Duke- Street, shall receive the above reward. All masters of ships are requested not to carry off the said boy: all other persons are forbid harbouring him at their peril.
"ONE GUINEA REWARD. RUN AWAY the 19th of April last, from the prize schooner Swan, prize to the polac[ ] Prince William Henry, a negro boy named YORK; he is about 4 feet 5 inches high, neat built, tawney complexion, round visage, has remarkable small ears, is a cunning smart boy, but much addicted to getting drunk; he has deserted from his master sundry times within these three years past, and has been on board of several of his Majesty’s ships, viz. the Adamant, Thames, and Bellisarius frigates, and is now supposed to be on board of some ship in this harbour. All Gentlemen are requested to give notice to the Subscriber if said boy should apply to them for service; and every other person is forwamed to conceal or take him off at their peril.
Peter Creighton."