Jack - GA-CAR6
African Americans--History, African Americans--History--To 1863, Artisans, Carpenters
Georgia Gazette
May 24, 1775
Philip de le Gal
Plantation of Philip de le Gal on Skidaway
1. Formerly enslaved by Edward Barnard and William Goodgoin. 2. Self-emancipated from Philip de le Gal
RUN AWAY from Augusta about the 30th of March, 1775, A NEGROE FELLOW, named JACK, late the property of Edward Barnard and William Goodgion, Esqrs. but now the property of the subscriber. The said Negroe fellow is about five feet nine inches high, of a dark complexion, near thirty years of age, speaks good English, is an exceeding good carpenter, very sensible, was born in the Colony of Virginia, and may pretend to pass for a free Negroe. He carried off with him a blue coat, a flannel jacket spotted, and Indian boots. Any person delivering the said runaway Negroe at my plantation on Skidaway, or to Henry Preston in Savannah, shall receive a reward of five pounds sterling: And as I have great reason to suspect that he is harboured in or near Augusta by some evil disposed person or persons, in order to bring such daring offender or offenders to condign punishment, upon conviction thereof, I hereby offer a reward of twenty pounds sterling, if harboured by a white person, and if by a Negroe, five pounds, to be paid to the informer by PHILIP DE LE GAL at Skidaway. N.B. All Masters of vessels and others are cautioned against taking the said Negroe fellow named Jack out of the province, as they may depend upon being prosecuted agreeable to law: Also, if the said Negroe will return to his duty, a promise of forgiveness is offered him.